About trains.fyi

A live, real-time map of passenger trains in Canada and the USA.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here's everything you wanted to know about trains.fyi

Who created it?

I did! You can follow my latest progress on my website at rydercalmdown.com.

Why did you create it?

I was bored one day and wanted to see a map of all of the passenger trains in one place.

How does it work?

I have a brief writeup on my site rydercalmdown.com/projects/trains-fyi/ about how it all works.

How often does the data update?

Every minute with this site, but the source of data might be further delayed depending on the provider.

Do you have freight trains?

No - that data is super difficult to get unfortunately.

I want to buy your dataset, do you sell it?

Send me an email at ryder@rydercalmdown.com.

I have a feature request or something else. How can I contact you?

You can email me at ryder@rydercalmdown.com.

Supported Networks

The following passenger rail networks are supported and available on the map.