A real-time map of trains in North America.

Trains.FYI is a real-time map of passenger trains in North America. Started out of frustration with constant delays from freight priority in Canada, trains.fyi has grown into the leading real-time train tracking website.

Ryder gets frustrated

Sitting on a train, Ryder gets delayed by traffic and wonders what train is keeping him from his destination. He realizes there is no map that shows all trains in real-time.

Building A Map

With the extra two hours caused by the delay, Ryder cobbles together a basic map of trains in Canada and the United States.

#1 on Hacker News

TrainsFYI is shared on Hacker News and reaches an audience of 100,000+ people.

Leading the way in train tracking

Trains FYI onboards as many regional rail networks as possible, becoming the leading real-time train tracking website in North America.

Ryder Calm Down

About the Creator

Ryder Calm Down is a software engineer, AI developer, and content creator focused on building weird and wonderful things at the intersection of technology and creativity.

With a background in Biomedical Science and Engineering, Ryder has spent his career building infrastructure and AI solutions for Fortune 500 companies. In his spare time, he creates content and builds creative engineering projects that push the boundaries of what's possible (and sometimes necessary).

  • Content creator with over 1 million followers building weird machines and projects
  • Created trains.fyi initially while delayed on a Via Rail train
  • Visited over 40 countries while working as a digital nomad
  • Not really a rail fan if you can believe it - more into this for the data aspect
Fun fact: 90% of this project was built and deployed by Ryder while riding trains across Canada.
Loading real-time train data...

Frequently asked questions

Attributions & Thank Yous

This project would not be possible without the incredible work and dedication of many organizations and communities committed to open data and transparency.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all the transit services that publish their data openly, making it possible for projects like trains.fyi to provide real-time information to travelers.

  • Transit agencies across North America for their commitment to open data initiatives and GTFS standards
  • OpenRailwayMap contributors for providing comprehensive railway infrastructure data
  • The open source software community for creating and maintaining the tools that power this platform
  • You, the railway enthusiast, for your passion and interest in train travel, and feedback on this project