A real-time map of trains in North America.
Trains.FYI is a real-time map of passenger trains in Canada and the United States. Started out of frustration with constant delays from freight priority in Canada, trains.fyi has grown into the leading real-time train tracking website.
Ryder gets frustrated
Sitting on a train, Ryder gets delayed by traffic and wonders what train is keeping him from his destination. He realizes there is no map that shows all trains in real-time.
Building A Map
With the extra two hours caused by the delay, Ryder cobbles together a basic map of trains in Canada and the United States.
#1 on Hacker News
TrainsFYI is shared on Hacker News and reaches an audience of 100,000+ people.
Leading the way in train tracking
Trains FYI onboards as many regional rail networks as possible, becoming the leading real-time train tracking website in North America.