TransLink SkyTrain

A real-time map of trains in Vancouver that updates every minute.

Live TransLink SkyTrain Train Map

TransLink SkyTrain network image

TransLink's SkyTrain is Vancouver's automated rapid transit system, consisting of three lines: the Expo Line, Millennium Line, and Canada Line. It is one of the longest fully-automated driverless metro systems in the world.

TransLink SkyTrain

The story of

TransLink SkyTrain

The SkyTrain system began operations in 1985 with the Expo Line, built for the 1986 World's Fair (Expo 86). The system expanded with the Millennium Line in 2002 and the Canada Line in 2009, built for the 2010 Winter Olympics. The network continues to grow with the Broadway Extension of the Millennium Line under construction.

Year Founded
System Kilometers

Real-Time Train Statistics

These statistics are updated in real-time based on current train data for this network. (Speed data not available for this network)
