GO Transit
A real-time map of trains in Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchener, Burlington, Niagara Falls that updates every minute.
The story of
GO Transit was established in 1967 as a single train line along Lake Ontario's shoreline. It has since expanded to become an extensive network of trains and buses serving a population of more than seven million across more than 11,000 square kilometers (4,200 sq mi) stretching from Hamilton and Kitchener-Waterloo in the west to Newcastle and Peterborough in the east, and from Orangeville, Barrie, and Beaverton in the north to Niagara Falls in the south. GO Transit has played a crucial role in connecting communities and reducing traffic congestion in the Greater Toronto Area.
These statistics are updated in real-time based on current train data for this network. (Speed data not available for this network)