GO Transit

A real-time map of trains in Toronto, Hamilton, Kitchener, Burlington, Niagara Falls that updates every minute.

Live GO Transit Train Map

GO Transit network image

GO Transit is the regional public transit service for the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area in Ontario, Canada.

GO Transit

The story of

GO Transit

GO Transit was established in 1967 as a single train line along Lake Ontario's shoreline. It has since expanded to become an extensive network of trains and buses serving a population of more than seven million across more than 11,000 square kilometers (4,200 sq mi) stretching from Hamilton and Kitchener-Waterloo in the west to Newcastle and Peterborough in the east, and from Orangeville, Barrie, and Beaverton in the north to Niagara Falls in the south. GO Transit has played a crucial role in connecting communities and reducing traffic congestion in the Greater Toronto Area.

Annual Ridership
Year Founded
Train Lines
Bus Routes

Real-Time Train Statistics

These statistics are updated in real-time based on current train data for this network. (Speed data not available for this network)
